I recently found a group on flickr for photos of knitting in progress, which seemed like an interesting idea.
Hence this picture. The colours aren't quite right / true to the yarns, but not too far off.
This will be another felted bag for made4aid, like this one - so, I'll post another photo when its felted and shrunk and finished.
This is knitted with between 4 and 8 strands at a time, mixing a variety of yarns and bits and pieces. There are some bits here of handspun, from years ago when I first learned to spin - and some thrifted, leftover bits etc.... Really satisfying to use up such remnants and fun to mix colours by combining different yarns.
The handles are knitted first, then linked with extra casting on to form the top of the bag, and then knitted on circular needles (which I always use anyway) down to the bottom edge, and then the base is knitted and stitched to the edges.
Theres also a post with a bit more about knitting and felting bags here, with a link to the webpage where I found the pattern for this bag, its one of my favourite patterns so far.
I shall post again shortly, I hope, with a progress report on the next stage with this bag.